Thursday, December 22, 2022

Unity Build: Make Xcode Workspace File and Disable Bitcode

Delete Admob then Reimport

Unity IOS Resolver Setting - Cocoapods Integration - XCode Project

Plugins - IOS -GADUAdNetworkExtras - check: Adsupport, EventKit, EventKitUI

You cant find Unity-iPhone.xcworkspace file in Unity build folder. So here is how to create one:

  1. right click on Build folder
  2. click New Terminal at Folder
  3. type "pod init"
  4. type "pod install"
Disable Bitcode:

arm64 function not 4-byte aligned _unwind_tester from libiphone-lib.a(unwind_test_arm64.o):

Remove "$(inherited)" in Unity-Iphone > UnityFramework > Building Settings > Other Linker Flags

GAD dll:
Add "-ObjC $(inherited)" in Unity-Iphone > UnityFramework > Building Settings > Other Linker Flags

General > Framework, Libraries, and Embedded Content > add GoogleMobileAds.xcFramework

terminal: brew install cocoapods